Common data >  Products >  Products-sites  

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Use this function to create, inquire upon and update data associated with a specific product at a specific site.

SEEINFO Many of the fields are populated automatically from the product category record.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

The product categories are used to classify and filter the products according to their use. This step makes it possible to refine the selection prior to carrying out the adjustment process. This code is specified in the Product record to enable selections.

  • Product status (field ITMSTA)


Product reference
The product reference is the "first" component of the product-site identifier.

Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

  • The stock
  • The standard price
  • The BOM link quantity, etc.

This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.



Tab Controls


This tab is used to specify the different information necessary to the management of the product stock, such as:

  • the information concerning the stock count,
  • the management of the use-by and re-control,
  • the sampling mode is determined during quality controls,
  • the location management and the list of locations and location types that are available to receive the product by default. It is possible to associate a group of location types or default locations to a movement type by describing them with the aid of the * character.

Using the right button on the location field makes available the location occupation and the dedicated location occupation inquiries.

SEEREFERTTO See also the setup of the labels for these locations in the Product category documentation.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Stock management

  • Stock management (field STOMGTCOD)

Several management methods can be selected, which influence the management of stock quantities:

  • Not managed: the product is never transferred by the stock. This is the case for example, for services or general purchases. According to the category type, this value can be imposed (generic products or sub-contractor for example).
  • Product managed: the product is normally managed, without any special feature.
  • Product managed title: A product is managed in stock, with a rule. The management of the quantities in stock is carried out with an active quantity and a physical quantity.


  • Packing (field PCKFLG)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
Check this box to indicate that this product is taken into account in the packing.
This information can be defined at the product category level then modified at the product-site level.

  • Stock detail (field PCKSTKFLG)

This field is used to specify whether the stock must be displayed in the parcels (Lot, Serial number, Status, etc.)

Code on 3 alphanumerical characters.

Enter the packaging in which the product is to be delivered.
This code is used for automatic packing.
The user can open the selection window in the packaging table or create a new one via the tunnel.

  • Packaging capacity (field PCKCAP)

It is the the number of products, expressed in sales units, that the package can contain.
This value is initialized by default with the quantity entered in the product-site record.

Stock parameters

  • ABC class (field ABCCLS)

The ABC category allows the classification of products with regard to their importance to the turnover or to the stock for example.
The ABC category is used as a selection criterion in the stock count lists.
Values between “A” and “D” can be entered manually or by update from the ABC statistical analysis, which can be set up. At the time of creation, the product is not associated with any statistical data and is classified in category “D” by default.

  • Count mode (field CUNCOD)

this field is used to specify the stock count method for the products in the category.
SEEINFO The option "No stock count" concerns the products that are not managed in stock.

  • Stock withdrawal mode (field STOCOD)

The stock issue mode can be defined at category level, then refined by site category.
It is necessary to specify, for the product, when it is defined as material for a finished or semi-finished product:

  • whether it has to be consumed upon tracking the work order (immediate consumption),
  • or whether it can be consumed upon closing the work order (post-consumption).

Two parameters from the material tracking transaction are associated with the issue mode: upon material tracking, it is possible to filter the materials to be proposed for consumption in the transaction (« post consumption / immediate / all stock issue » in the materials tab in the tacking transaction).

These parameters are:

  • Immediate: in the tracking transaction, it is possible to impose a detailed entry of the material consumption (parameter Strict manual issue).
  • Post consumption: the products will be consumed upon closing the work order. They can be excluded from the manual material issue entry on WO.
  • No management: for a product not managed in stock.


  • Location management (field LOCMGTCOD)

The product can be managed in stock, with possible entry of a storage location based on the value assigned to this code.
SEEINFO The storage address is always checked as existing.


  • Recontrol lead time (field SHLLTI)

The lead-time of the new control is used on stock receipt. It is used to calculated the new control date based on the reference date. It is entered in days or months.
SEEWARNING The new control date cannot go beyond the limit date of lot use.

  • field SHLLTIUOM

Scroll-down list used to determine the time unit (day or month) associated with the previous field.

  • Recontrol status (field NEWLTISTA)

When a lot in stock reaches a new control date the system automatically changes its status based on the controls defined on the product record.

  • A. When the new control date is reached the status of the product can change to status Q or R.
  • Q. The product can be resent through quality control for either an extension to the control date or for rejection.
  • R. When the new control date is reached the product will be rejected.

The quality control process for the product can be described via a technical record, to be chosen from the technical record table. These records contain text descriptions, but also a set of questions and answers used to carry out statistical analyses concerning the quality control results.
SEEINFO It is possible to specify this record for a product and a supplier.

  • UBD coefficient (field DLU)

The use-by date (UBD) coefficient can only be accessed when the two following conditions are met:

  • the expiry is managed at the product level,
  • the expiry management mode is not based on a rounded value (start or end of the month).

This coefficient is used to calculate, in calendar days, the use-by lead time, based on the shelf life defined at the product record level.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

SEEWARNING The value of the coefficient must be between 0.1 and 1: the UBD cannot exceed the expiry date.

This UBD lead time is used to determine the use-by date of the product, based on its stock receipt date.
UBD = Lot receipt date + UBD lead time
Defining a Use-By Date provides the customer receiving the lot with the guarantee that the use-by date of their goods is more or less distant from the expiry date.

For example :

  • Shelf life = 2 months (60 days)
  • UBD coefficient = 0.5
  • UBD lead time = 30 days
  • UBD = receipt date + 30 days

SEEINFO A UBD coefficient can be entered in the Product record, in the Product-site record and in the Customer-product record. The UBD coefficient entered on the Customer-product record is used to determine the use-by date specific to one customer. In this case, when allocating a stock (order, stock issue, etc.), the UBD defined for the customer overrules the one defined for the Product-site.

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
In creation mode, this value is initialized by default with the UBD coefficient entered in the product record.

  • UBD lead time (field DLULTI)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the use-by lead time calculated based on the UBD coefficient.
This lead time is expressed in calendar days.

  • field DLULTIUOM

This field cannot be entered. The UBD lead time is always expressed in calendar days.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

Grid Default locations

  • Description (field LOCNUM)

No help linked to this field.

  • Type (field DEFLOCTYP)

Default location type. According to the location type required by this product category, specify a default location type. It is possible to enter a code with a generic character or a code from the "locations types" table. If entered, the location type can be used in the entries, allocations and issues.

  • Default location (field DEFLOC)

Default location. According to the location type involved by this product category, specify the default location that will be used for stock movements. It is possible to enter a code with a generic character (*,#,!,?) or a code from the locations table. If the location is of a dedicated type, it is necessary to carry out an assignment to establish it for this product.

If entered, the location can be used in the entries, allocations and issues.


  • QC management (field QUAFLG)

This code is used to define whether the product must be controlled on stock receipt.
The setup defined in the Product category is used to initialize the level of control of the Product-site record and Supplier-product record.The level of stock control on the Supplier-product record represents the finest level of setup and is used to initialize the level of control by purchase order. 

  • No control
    The control is defined according to the management rules. It can be modified manually.
  • Non modifiable control
    The quality control is mandatory in stock receipt: only a 'Q' status can be entered.
  • Modifiable control
    In a miscellaneous receipt into stock, the quality status is initialized to the value 'Q', modifiable by 'A' or 'R'.
    The quality control code can also be defined at the purchase order level.
    • If in the order the quality control is set to 'Yes', the quality control is mandatory and the receipt is made with one of the sub-statuses Q* defined in the product management rule for movements of receipt type.
      If no sub-status is defined, the status cannot be entered upon receipt.
    • If in the order the quality control is set to NO, the quality control is not mandatory.
      At the time of receipt, the default value of the suggested status is 'A' and it is possible to enter or select all the statuses defined in the rule for the management of the receipt type movement for the product.
  • Periodic control 
    The control is automated according to the number of receipts for this supplier and this product. In that case, the stock status can still be modified upon receipt.
  • Frequency (field QUAFRY)

If the quality control is periodic, then this field is used to enter the frequency of the controls.

  • field QUANUM


  • field QUALIB


The quality control process for the product can be described via a technical record, to be chosen from the technical record table. These records contain text descriptions, but also a set of questions and answers used to carry out statistical analyses concerning the quality control results.
SEEINFO It is possible to specify this record for a product and a supplier.

Quality operator access
Access code allowing or prohibiting the quality control on this product. The user can modify the status of a product and execute the Quality control function if this access code is associated to its profile thanks to a modification flag set to YES.


  • Sampling (field SMPTYP)

Two values exist to determine the sampling mode:

  • None: the sampling has not been planned,
  • Simple: a single sample is controlled.

If "None" is selected, all the fields of the Sampling section cannot be accessed.

  • General level (field GENLEVINS)

This field indicates the general control level of products. The AFNOR standard defines three control levels. Level 2 : recommended by the AFNOR standard, is the regular level delivered by Sage.

SEEINFO This field is only available in inquiry.

  • AQL (field NQA)

Reminder: The Acceptable Quality Level is the quality index of the manufactured products. It requires to pick a certain quantity of samples on a group of finished products, according to the AFNOR NF X06-021 and X06-022 standards. The AQL mathematically guarantees a potential maximum number of defective products defined by a determined units number. The lots of products are rejected if the number of defective parts exceeds the norm.

The AQL is calculated according to two criteria:

  • the size of the sample (number of parts from the initial lot associated to the general level of approval), which indicated the sampling code
  • the setups for approval and rejection of a lot, i.e. the value of the AQL.

SEEREFERTTO To determine the AQL, please see the documentation including the calculation tables.

Select the AQL. When entering the sampling, the section "Sample" brings back the size of the rejection and the approval limit according to the quantity entered and the size of the sample.

  • Sampling mode (field SMPMOD)

Field allowing the sampling target on two types:

  • global: the grouping is carried out by product,
  • By lot: the grouping is carried out by product and lot.


Operator in charge of performing the production planning or product ordering.

Operator in charge of reordering the product for the considered site.
This code is referenced in several scripts, such as the buyer plan, the supplier order entry, etc.

EU info

Bill of lading

This field displays the default value from the product category for use in Bill of lading. The value is controlled by the legislation and site groupings and is used when generating new bill of lading detail lines.

You can also modify this field.

As of update 8.0.0:

This field displays the default value from the product category when creating new records and can be overwritten. The value entered in this field is used when generating new bill of lading detail lines. This field is available only if the activity code KUS - USA Localization and the USABOL - Bill of Lading parameter are set to "Yes".



Tab Logistics


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Firm horizon (field PLH)

The fixed horizon (in leadtime unit) is used in the calculation of the Master Production Schedule (MPS) and Material Requirements Planning (MRP). It can be used to freeze the production plan on a given period: the suggestions used to cover the shortages located within this horizon are transferred onto the first period beyond this horizon.

These suggestions are subject to a specific marking in the MRP results and MPS results inquiries: in the Order column, the order code is followed by an asterisk (*).

  • field PLHUOT

Planning horizon lead-time unit (weeks, fortnights or months).

  • Demand horizon (field FOH)

The request horizon, expressed in number of days, is used to calculate the projected stock: the available stock is calculated using the customer order book below this horizon, and the forecasts above this horizon.

  • field FOHUOT

Request horizon lead-time unit (weeks, fortnights or months).

Seasonality - This is an allocation curve used to create forecasts, based on a seasonality variation structure that can be parameterized. Seasonality curves are created in the seasonality table.

  • Shrinkage percent (field SHR)

The loss percentage corresponds to the production or storage loss.

The production loss corresponds to the totaled loss generated for each routing operation.

This percentage is taken into account in the material requirements planning and in the work order management. it is used to calculate the quantity to be reordered to obtain the quantity to cover the requirement.


  • Reorder mode (field REOMGTCOD)

Reorder mode selection:

  • No reorder management
  • Reorder calculated by the MRP requirements
  • Reorder calculated by the MPS
  • Reorder on threshold
  • Reorder by periodic replenishment
  • Reorder frequency (field REOPER)

For a periodic reorder mode, indicate here the number of calendar days between two reorders.

The reorder policy is used to set up the calculation mode of suggestions in the MRP processing:

  • Taking into account of the stock and stock under control.
  • Triggering of the suggestion.
  • Quantity calculation.
  • Splitting of the calculated quantity.
    It must be chosen from the reorder policy table.
  • Coverage (field DAYCOV)

The coverage, expressed in weeks, is one of the MRP parameters. It makes it possible to work with changeable security and reorder lots depending on the order book or on the forecasts recorded during the coverage period.

  • Suggestion type (field REOCOD)

The suggestion type is used in the material requirements planning. It is used to define if the product has to be subject to:

  • an Inter-site,
  • a Purchase,
  • a Production suggestion
    If the suggestion is of type Inter-site, the reorder site must be specified below.

When the suggestion is of the type inter-site, this field serves to indicate the supplier site from which the replenishment must be carried out. The inter-site suggestion is coupled with a requirement at the replenishment site.

SEEINFO The inter-site reorder is a flow between two sites in a single company.

  • Safety stock (field SAFSTO)

The security stock is used in the material requirements planning. It features an additional stock implemented to be able to face a longer deadline to obtain stock or a request higher than the average request.

  • Reorder threshold (field REOTSD)

The reorder treshold is used in the stock management on order. This is the stock level from which a reordering (or work order) is triggered. It is generally equal to the consumption sum during the reorder time, to which the security stock is added.

  • Maximum stock (field MAXSTO)

The maximum stock is taken into account in the reorder calculations.

  • EOQ (field REOMINQTY)

Minimum reorder quantity
The minimum reorder quantity is used in the material requirements planning according to the selected reorder policy. It is submitted as the calculation quantity in the cost calculation. In general it represents:

  • a production economical quantity,
  • a minimum order quantity imposed by the supplier.

  • Technical lot (field MFGLOTQTY)

Lot size
The lot size is used in the MRP calculation. Based on the reorder policy, it makes it possible to:

  • split a global suggestion into several lots (manufacturing constraint: tank size, for instance)
  • round the requirement beyond the minimum of the order, by fixed lot size (purchase constraint: boxes of n units).
  • manufacture suggestion of 500, to be divided into 5 suggestions of 100
  • purchase suggestion of 52 bottles with a lot size of 12: this requires to order 60 bottles.
  • Stock for project (field PJMSTRSTK)


Lead times

  • Production (field MFGLTI)

Number of days corresponding to the production lead-time for a finished or semi-finished product. It is in general fixed for a given lot size, and is used to calculate the start date for the MRP suggestions.

  • Reduction factor (field MIC)

The declining coefficient (in percentage) of the reorder lead-time is used to calculate the start date of the suggestions in the MRP.

It is used correct the reorder lead-time proportionally to the replenishment, when the planned or suggested quantity is higher than a lot:
Corrected lead-time = RL*[1 + (qty/lot - 1)*factor/100] where RL = Reorder lead-time
This coefficient is generally used for manufactured products. The supplier lead-time is an average lead-time, rarely in proportion with the lot size.

  • Quality control (field QUALTI)

The quality control lead-time (in number of days) is used in MRP: It is inserted between the requirement date and the suggestion end date to take into account the time necessary to carry out the quality control.

  • Multilevel (field TOTLTI)

The multi-level lead-time is the total reorder lead-time of the product expressed in days.
It is the cumulated lead-time of all the BOM levels, considering the quality control lead-times.

  • Purchase (field OFS)

Number of days corresponding to:

  • the reorder lead-time for a purchased product,
  • To the manufacturing lead-time for a finished or semi-finished product.

It is in general fixed for a given lot size, and is used to calculate the start date for the MRP suggestions.

  • Picking (field PRPLTI)

Number of working days delay applicable for inventory control purposes. That is, the number of days before this product can be used, such as in a manufactured product, a purchase or before it can be shipped for a sale.

 This field is not included in MRP processing (FUNMRPG) calculations, MPS processing (FUNMPS) calculations or the Statistical reordering (FUNSTKB) calculations.


The assignment rule is used to create a link between a requirement (sales order, material requirement, etc.) and a resource (work order, purchase order, etc.).
This function, which can be accessed via a tunnel or a right click, makes it possible to specify the link to be created: if box "Direct order (1 to 1) mode" is ticked, the system will authorize the assignment of a sales order to a purchase order, for instance, but not the assignment of a sales order to several purchase orders (it must be 1 to 1).
This rule is applied upon requirement evolution (order update or creation).

  • Availability date not applicable (field EXCFDMA)



  • Protection in process (replan) (field WIPPRO)

Indicator that is used to de-activate the replanning or orders in process for the product concerned.

Works order: in process if at least one production tracking exists.

Purchase order: in process if partially received.

Warning : this parameter is taken into account of the corresponding parameter in the requirements calculation parameterisation has the value "According to product".


  • Product notes (field ITMNOTE)




Tab Planning


This tab displays a total of stock accumulations for the product on the inquired site: internal stock accumulations and loaned or sub-contracting stock accumulations externally assigned.
These quantities are detailed by status and by allocation status.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Internal situation

  • Internal 'A' (field PHYSTO)

The physical stock field is formatted according to the stock unit.
It represents the total of the lots whose status is set to "A" ("Approved").

  • Detail alloc. 'A' (field PHYALL)


  • Internal 'Q' (field CTLSTO)


  • Detail alloc. 'Q' (field CTLALL)


  • Internal 'R' (field REJSTO)

Rejected stock: this field is formatted according to the stock unit.
The rejected stock represents the total of the lots whose status has been set to R (rejected upon quality control).

  • Detail alloc. 'R' (field REJALL)


  • Detail shortage (field DETSHT)


  • Dock 'A' (field PLFPHYSTO)


  • Dock 'Q' (field PLFCTLSTO)


  • Global allocated (field GLOALL)


  • Dock 'R' (field PLFREJSTO)


  • Global shortage (field GLOSHT)


External situation

  • Subcon. 'A' (field SCOPHYSTO)


  • Alloc. subcon. 'A' (field SCOPHYALL)


  • Subcon. 'Q' (field SCOCTLSTO)


  • Alloc. subcon. 'Q' (field SCOCTLALL)


  • Subcon. 'R' (field SCOREJSTO)


  • Alloc. subcon. 'R' (field SCOREJALL)


  • Loan 'A' (field BPRPHYSTO)


  • In-transit stock (field TRFSTO)

In-transit stock corresponds to the stock total which has not been received yet on the current site and coming from an inter-site transfer.
Click the Magnifying glass icon to directly access the In-transit stock inquiry.

  • Loan 'Q' (field BPRCTLSTO)


  • Transferred stock (field TRASTO)

Transferred stock corresponds to the stock total sent from current site to another site and which has not been received on ship-to site.
Click the Magnifying glass icon to directly access the Transferred stock inquiry.

  • Loan 'R' (field BPRREJSTO)


  • Stock on external sites (field EXTSTODET)


BP stock situation

  • BP stock (field SCCLNDSTO)


  • BP stock allocated (field SCCALL)



  • On reorder (field ORDSTO)

It is the replenishing stock count.

  • Pending issues (field WAISTO)

Click this check box if the planning calculations should decrease quantities related to suspended transactions from the available stock.

  • On sales orders (field SALSTO)

The stock in customer order corresponds to the customer order total quantity and the inter-site demands for the product, not yet delivered.



Tab Stock


This tab displays the statistical information concerning the stock entry and issue movements.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Fiscal year (field FIYNUM)


  • Period start (field PERSTR)


  • Period end (field PEREND)


  • field SELPER

Button used to access in display mode the history of the product-site totals.

  • Period number (field PERNUM)



  • Last receipt (field LASRCPDAT)


  • Monthly qty. received (field MONRCPQTY)


  • Annual qty. received (field YEARCPQTY)


  • Monthly amt. received (field MONRCPAMT)



  • Annual amt. received (field YEARCPAMT)


  • Variance not absorbed (field AMTDEV)


  • No. monthly receipts (field MONRCPMVT)


  • No. annual receipts (field YEARCPMVT)



  • Last issue (field LASISSDAT)


  • Monthly qty. issued (field MONISSQTY)


  • Annual qty. issued (field YEAISSQTY)


  • Monthly amt. issued (field MONISSAMT)


  • Annual amt. issued (field YEAISSAMT)


  • No. monthly issues (field MONISSMVT)


  • No. annual issues (field YEAISSMVT)




Tab Totals


The information on the safety stock, the reorder threshold, the maximum stock and the economic lot can either be entered or calculated by the Statistical reordering. process. These data are summed up in this tab.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Entry data

  • Safety stock (field SAFSTO)

The security stock is used in the material requirements planning. It features an additional stock implemented to be able to face a longer deadline to obtain stock or a request higher than the average request.

  • Reorder threshold (field REOTSD)

The reorder treshold is used in the stock management on order. This is the stock level from which a reordering (or work order) is triggered. It is generally equal to the consumption sum during the reorder time, to which the security stock is added.

  • Maximum stock (field MAXSTO)

The maximum stock is taken into account in the reorder calculations.

  • EOQ (field REOMINQTY)

Minimum reorder quantity
The minimum reorder quantity is used in the material requirements planning according to the selected reorder policy. It is submitted as the calculation quantity in the cost calculation. In general it represents:

  • a production economical quantity,
  • a minimum order quantity imposed by the supplier.

Calculated data

  • Safety stock (field SAFSTOCLC)


  • Reorder threshold (field REOTSDCLC)


  • Maximum stock (field MAXSTOCLC)


  • EOQ (field REOMINCLC)




Tab Calculated data


In the case where the product is manufactured, this tab is available for entry. Specified here are the routes to suggest by default for the launch, cost calculation, load calculation processes.

  • Launch if shortage: this flag is used to define the blocking character for a shortage of the product within the framework of the printing of the production and production tracking folders.
  • Automatic closure percentage: used to define a threshold for the automatic closure of production tracking.
  • Loss at launch: this setup makes it possible to manage two management modes for the losses upon production release. It is applied to the parent product and the possible values are:
    • No: the percentages for the loss of components defined in the BOM are ignored,
    • Yes: they are taken into account.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Production (field MFGROU)

This routing is used in work order management.
It must be present in a code authorized for the site, with a checked "manufacturing" indicator.

alternative selected must be authorized for the site, with a "Manufacturing" indicator ticked.

Thealternative selected must be authorized for the site, with a ticked "Manufacturing" indicator. This is the alternative used in processings where there is no default alternative.

  • Cost (field CSTROU)

The standard costs calculation determines the added value by the production, from the range specified here. The range selected must exist in the alternative authorized for the site, with a checked "manufacturing" indicator.

alternative selected must be authorized for the site, with a "Cost" indicator ticked.

Thealternative selected must be authorized for the site, with a ticked "Cost" indicator. It will be used as a default value for the cost calculation.

  • RCCP (field RCCROU)

At the end of the MPS calculation, a global charge calculation can be required from the routing specified here. Rough Cut Capacity Planning is the translation of the French abbreviation "PGC" (for "Planification Globale des Capacités"). The routing selected must exist in the alternative authorized for the site, with a checked "RCCP" indicator.

alternative selected must be authorized for the site, with a "RCCP" indicator checked.

Thealternative selected must be authorized for the site, with a checked "RCCP" indicator. This is the alternative used in processings where there is no default alternative.


  • Release if shortage (field MFGSHTCOD)

This flag defines the blocking behavior for a shortage of the product with respect to the printing of the manufacturing folders and production tracking.

  • Automatic closing % (field CLEPCTAUT)

This percentage defines the threshold being applied to automatically close the materials during production tracking.

For instance, if the value is 95% and the material requirement is 200 UN, the system will suggest to close the material if the consumed quantity is greater than or equal to 190 UN.

  • Shrink with release (field RELSCATIA)

This parameter supports two management modes for the losses incurred in the production release.
It applies to the parent product. When the check box is not selected, the loss percentages of the components defined in the BOM are ignored.


Access code used to restrict access to data for certain users. If the field is entered, only the users that have this access code in their profile can use this product in weighing...

ISM record that will be used for this product.

  • Method of correction (field REDMODFLG)
  • Weighing tolerance +(%) (field ITMTOLPOS)

This field displays the percentage used to calculate the weight variance.

You can only modify this field if the Setup level is set to BOM.

If the Setup level is SHI record or Product-site, this value is based on the Product-sites setup. (GESITF)

Note: This field is only available when the MWM - Weighing station activity code is active.

  • Weighing tolerance -(%) (field ITMTOLNEG)




Tab Manufacturing


On this last tab, you can specify which Overheads code applies to the product and how the different product provisional costs have to be updated.
It specifies the valuation method used for this product.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Prorata qty. adjust. (field PROPER)

The percentage of the quantity below which the adjusted amount will be distributed in two parts: remaining stock and the stock already issued.

This percentage is compared with respect to the physical stock remaining and the global stock quantity produced by a WO.

This is used to distribute the adjusted price amounts to the appropriate accounts.

If this field is de-activated, the distribution is made without taking into account this limit.

  • field PERCENT


Grid Overhead

  • Movement type (field OTRSTYP)

This field is used to specify the overheads matching this entry type.

Select an overhead code.

Overhead codes are used as follows:

  • To value selected stock movement types.
    The column that defines the formula or fixed rate to be used for the calculation is defined by the OVECOLSTK - Stock overhead column parameter (STO chapter, VAL group).
  • To determine the cost price or the production cost price calculation.
    Selected functions use the overhead code for the following:
    • To value work center overheads associated with the valuation dimension.
    • To value overheads for materials or semi-finished products.

The overheads column that contains the formula or fixed rate to be used in the cost price calculation functions is defined by parameters. For standard cost calculations the OVECOLSTD - Standard calc overhead column parameter (GPA chapter, COS group) applies.

You can modify the column to be applied before running the calculation.

  • Calculation (field OVECPNFLG)

This field is used to select the calculation type.


The overhead calculation for the manufactured product does not take into account the overhead amount of the inferior products.


The overhead calculation for the manufactured product takes into account the overhead amount of the inferior products.

SEEINFO The inferior products are all the products that are not finished products: semi-finished products and raw materials.

Cost calculation

  • Standard cost update (field STDCSTUPD)

This field is used to enter the cost update indicator (for each type):

  • 'Entered': the cost calculation does not modify the data entered for this type of cost, and is not passed on to the lower levels of the BOM.
  • 'Calculated': the existing costs (entered or calculated) will be overwritten by the next calculation.
    The corresponding column can still be entered.
  • Revised std. cost update (field CUTCSTUPD)


  • Budgeted std. cost update (field BUDCSTUPD)


  • Simulated cost update (field SIMCSTUPD)


Landed costs

  • Landed costs-site (field STCNUMITF)

This button opens a window used to enter the landed costs for each product-supplier linked to the site.
It is also possible to enter the landed costs by site from tab "Suppliers" of the Product record or directly from function Landed costs - Site.


  • Average cost (field AVC)

Displayed parameter that can neither be entered nor modified.

  • field AVCDET


Displayed parameter that can neither be entered nor modified.

  • AUC base quantity (field AVCBASQTY)


  • AUC base amount (field AVCBASAMT)


  • Last receipt cost (field LASRCPPRI)


  • field LASDET


  • Last purchase price (field LASPURPRI)

This field is available for display but not for modification.
It is updated with the purchase cost of the line:

  • with every receipt,
  • with every validation of a purchase invoice linked to a receipt or purchase order.

The following invoices are not taken into account:

  • Direct invoices
  • Credit memos
  • Additional invoices
  • Invoices without quantity, related to a purchase order or a receipt.


  • Invoice with a quantity of 10 and a price of €11. The last purchase price is €11
  • Credit memo with a quantity of 1 and a price of €4. The last purchase price is still €11
  • New invoice with a quantity of 1 and a price of €5. The last purchase price is €5

  • Standard cost (field ITCSTD)

Displayed parameter that can neither be entered nor modified.

  • field ITCSTDDET


  • Validity start date (field ITCSTRDAT)

Displayed parameter that can neither be entered nor modified.

  • Validity end date (field ITCENDDAT)


  • Revised std. cost (field ITCACT)

Displayed parameter that can neither be entered nor modified.

  • field ITCACTDET


  • Validity start date (field ITCSTRDATA)

Displayed parameter that can neither be entered nor modified.

  • Validity end date (field ITCENDDATA)




Tab Cost


Specify information on the stock count status of the current product-site, such as:

  • if the product is being counting in the stock, the code of the stock count list in which it is situated,
  • if the product is not in the process of a stock count, the date of the last stock count, the number of receipts into stock carried out for this product for the selected site since the last stock count, the number of issues from stock carried out for this product for the selected site since the last stock count.

Also specified here, if necessary, the date of the next stock count, the number of stock counts having already taken place for the product at the site and the number of valid counts.
Finally, the Stock count specifications grid is used to give statistical information concerning each completed stock count.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Count in progress (field CUNLISNUM)


  • Last global stock count (field LASCUNDAT)


  • Last global list (field LASCUNLIS)


  • Stock last count (field CUNSTO)


  • Receipts since last count (field CUNRCPMVT)


  • Issues since last count (field CUNISSMVT)


  • Next count (field NEXCUNDAT)


  • No. of counts (field CUNNBR)


  • No. of accurate counts (field CUNNBREQU)


Grid Count history

  • Count date (field CUNDAT)


  • Net accuracy (field NETACC)


  • Absolute accuracy (field ABSACC)


  • Expected count quantities (field CUNQTYCLC)


  • Actual count quantities (field CUNQTYNEW)


  • Count variance (field CUNQTYDEV)




Tab Counts


This tab displays logistics information.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Allocation flows

When the product-site authorizes the management of locations, you can enter a preferred warehouse by type of flow.

Issue flows

When the product-site authorizes the management of locations, you can enter a preferred warehouse by type of flow.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  ITMFORM : Product information by site

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This function is used to access the products-warehouse records.

Menu Bar

Inquiries / WIP

Inquiries / Sales / Quote line

Click the Quote line action to view quotes for the product at the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, quotes.

Inquiries / Sales / Order line

Click the Order line action to view sales orders for the product at the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, orders.

Inquiries / Sales / Delivery line

Click the Delivery line action to view deliveries for the product from the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, delivery numbers.

Inquiries / Sales / Invoice line

Click the Invoice line action to view sales invoices for the product at the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, invoices.

Inquiries / Sales / Return line

Inquiries / Purchasing / Demand line

Click the Demand line action to view purchase requests for the product for the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, requests.

Inquiries / Purchasing / Order line

Click the Order line action to view purchase orders for the product for the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, orders.

Inquiries / Purchasing / Receipt line

Click the Receipt line action to view purchase receipts for the product at the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, receipts.

Inquiries / Purchasing / Return line

Click the Return line action to view the supplier returns for the product on the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, returns.

Inquiries / Purchasing / Invoice line

Click the Invoice line action to view purchase invoices for the product for the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, invoices.

Inquiries / Purchasing / Sub-con consumption

Inquiries / Manufacturing / Production reporting

Inquiries / Manufacturing / Material consumption

Click the Material consumption action to track the material consumed for the product on the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, tracking numbers.

Inquiries / Manufacturing / Cost price

Click the Cost price action to view production costs for the product at the site.

Inquiries / Manufacturing / Production cost history

Click the Production cost history action to view the production cost prices for the product on the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, dates.

Inquiries / Manufacturing / List of WOs

Click the List of WOs action to view work order information, component information and operation details for the product at the site.

Filters can be applied within the inquiry function to provide simple and fast access to a range of, or specific, work orders.

Inquiries / Stock / Stock by site

Inquiries / Stock / Projected stock

Inquiries / Stock / Available stock

Inquiries / Stock / Stock by date

Inquiries / Stock / Movements

Functions / Kits

Functions / Manufacturing BOM

Functions / Sub-contract BOM

Functions / Routing

Functions / Production slip

Functions / Where-used

Costing / Standard cost

Costing / Revised standard cost

Costing / Standard budget costs

Costing / Simulated budget costs

Costing / Standard cost inquiry

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Non warehouse site

The site entered (in creation) is not a warehouse. It cannot be used to create product-site records.

Non valid route for this usage at this site

The route alternative selected is not authorized for the site or for the associated processing (Production, Cost, MRP, RCCP).

The reorder policy that require a maximum stock

This message is displayed when the maximum stock is left at 0 and the reorder policy requires a 'maximum stock addition'.

The reorder threshold must be >= safety stock
The maximum stock must be >= the reorder threshold
The maximum stock must be >= the safety stock

Verify the coherence of these fields.

One routing version exists

The routing version defined already exists for this product. Each major version and, if applicable, major plus minor version must be unique.

A link exists for site [site code] with routing [routing code]

This message will be displayed if the routing already exists at the displayed site.

The routing is used by the product-site [product-site code]

This message will be displayed if the routing already exists for the displayed product-site record.

Different routing version management between [product code] and [routing code]

The format of the routing version defined is incorrect. Please refer to the product record.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation